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scene 7


story board




a classic fine art of an Astro van covered in snow to the  windows due to a minnesota blizzard. Women in skirts with children and husbands on arms with multiple bags walking while it is snowing from their house down the road of all car piled in snow.


: the husband has a shovel and thick minnesota clothing. And begins to dig out the car while the wife has children in arm with bags and stands there arguing with child.

Wife 2: “stop it. Dads almost done” the wife hits the hands of the child as he clings to her. She is almost dropping child 2 that she is holding as well as bags she did not put down yet.

husband opens the door close up on hands and door.

Husband 1: “I’m almost finished”. Camera shot of man medium full length shot of man still digging he is no where near finished.

 the husband fine art portrait shot still of the man full length medium shot with a wide angle of all the cars behind him packed up to the roof with snow. The husband digs out the back door of the car so the wife can put her bags and children inside.

Wife 2: “we should have waited inside.” medium shot of wife from front facing her open shot full length. Shows the ridiculousness of her life in this circumstance, husband is in frame left still digging out the snow.

The husband is working on digging out the car parked along the curb. It will take half hour and in negative weather they become red in the face and frozen.

the husband gets to the door and opens it grunting.

the wife is almost dropping the child and bags she throws the child on the seat and puts bags on the ground of the car. Medium fine art still shot left of woman and left of husband. Camera to the back of the husband waiste height camera shot.

wife, “we’re going to be late.” grunting she sighs deeply, “we’re always late.” the wife steps back and crosses her arms.

husband, “one second, I’ll dig out your door too.” the medium fine art still from left of wife and behind  husband standing next to the van near the back. The husband digs out the front door for wife in a series of close ups on hands and shovel, feet in the snow.

beauty shots of women baking from scratch.

close up of the expression of the wife as she sits in the front seat from the right of carmera and wife. Husband closes the door and continues to shovel. Fade to black

medium fine art portrait of door open and wife walks into frame medium close shot. The wife gets into the car.

Kid 3: “its freezing mom!!” Close up of child he is at moms hip height.


Wife 2: “stop it. Dads almost done” 

wife, “we’re going to be late.” grunting she sighs deeply, “we’re always late.” the wife steps back and crosses her arms.

husband, “one second, I’ll dig out your door too.” 

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